FicProd.Bee electronic catalogue

Product data maintained and shared in real time between suppliers and distributors

At a time when information is circulating wildly, ensuring accurate data is becoming a major challenge for brands, in particular when consumer safety is at stake.The only way to serve the right content and restore consumer confidence is for manufacturers to control information at the source and transfer it to distributors, who will in turn pass it on to consumers. 
Nowadays, management of product data is a strategic and organizational issue that is essential to establish healthy commercial relationships between manufacturers and distributors.


Thanks to your electronic FicProd.Bee catalogue, your published product sheets can be integrated into your distributor customers’ product databases and then published on their communication networks (online sales sites, consumer applications …).

Control the diffusion of your product information and ensure quality and qualified information, with no risk of error and in full transparency for the end user. Within your electronic FicProd.Bee catalogue, consolidate all your products’ data in a single database and avoid multiple entries.

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Manufacturers / Producers

Ensure that your product information is available in a single database.

Enhance your product offer as you are the one who speaks best about it.

Respect your sectoral obligations, your customers’ requirements, and regulations (INCO – EU 1169/2011 …). FicProd.Bee ensures that you publish qualified and accurate data, to which your various departments.

“Publish once and distribute to all users”. Synchronization on GDSN network is a guarantee of traceability with your business partners.

Accelerate the time to market, gain visibility, and stand out from your competitors.

Provide a better product experience and ensure consumer transparency on your product strategy

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Easily access the product offer of your referenced suppliers by centralizing it in a single tool to feed your business solutions

Publish and manage your tenders directly on the portal

Supervise and manage relationships with your partners

Ensure that quality, qualified and controlled data is circulated internally

Our commitments

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Writer, publisher and integrator of our solutions

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100% of your data stored in France

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Availability/Accessibility 7 days a week and 24 hours a day

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DataPool@GP interoperable on GDSN network



@GP is qualified by GS1 for its FicProd solution and by the Global Registry of GS1 for its DataPool@GP application