
The health sector is currently undergoing major changes. On the one hand, regulations require better traceability of healthcare products, which forces manufacturers and healthcare facilities to start dematerializing their product data exchange processes for greater reliability and better tracking. On the other hand, healthcare logistics is taking on a new dimension with the digitization of supply chain, which is opening up new perspectives for players in the sector.


A sector making its digital revolution

The Ségur Digital Use in Health Care Facilities program, led by the Ministry of Health, is encouraging healthcare facilities to upgrade their information systems to provide greater functionality and interoperability. The ultimate goal is to ensure better patient care through the development of digital data exchanges.


Traceability of healthcare products contributes to better patient safety

In Europe, the European Commission is gradually requiring manufacturers to contribute to the EUDAMED* database. Each medical device must now be coded with a unique identifier (UDI*) in order to be recognized and traced in the event of a related health alert.

EUDAMED: European Database on Medical Devices

UDI – Unique Device Identification

On the drug side, the serialization reform requires each box of medication to be scanned in order to verify the presence of its unique identifier (datamatrix) in the France MVO national database, before deactivating it, and thus fighting against falsification.

Automate exchanges to optimize purchasing and supply

In addition to regulatory obligations, supplying medicines and medical devices to healthcare institutions generates a significant volume of daily interactions and exchanges with purchasing groups, which require manual processing, by telephone, email, non-interoperable EDI or fax.

Our specifications guarantee automatic, secure and real-time processing of data flows exchanged with your partners.


Your EDI benefits with @GP 360

@GP solutions are intended for all actors of the health sector:

  • Manufacturers of health products
  • Pharmaceutical laboratories
  • Distributors
  • Purchasing groups
  • Health facilities


With @GP 360 EDI solutions make your transactions with all your partners more fluid and automated.

Why use EDI for the healthcare sector?

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Health facilities

With @GP 360 solutions:

Import supplier catalogues in your business software

Integrate the unique identifiers such as UDI, CIP13, UCD13 to read the barcode labels

Place orders directly from your business software via EDI

Receive order acknowledgements directly in your business software

Follow the processing of your orders

Import traceability data for your DMIs without data entry or relabeling (order of 08/09/2021)

Integrate the unique identifiers (aggregated and consolidated codes) of drugs to automate

Dematerialize your invoice flow


Illustration of an EDI flow between partners

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Manufacturer of the health sector

With @GP 360 solutions:

Meet your regulatory obligations by publishing your product sheets to EUDAMED, GUDID…

Share your product sheets in real time with your customers

Transfer your UDI codes to your customers

Automatically integrate your customers’ orders into your ERP system without any data entry

Send acknowledgements of receipt and shipping notices to your customers

Communicate with your logistics service providers and inform your customers on their order status

Provide your customers with aggregated/consolidated drug codes in a secure way under the FMD regulation

Dematerialize your DMIs’ data traceability

Manage your invoices electronically (public and private clients)

Stand out from the competition

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Purchasing group of the health sector

With @GP 360 solutions :

Automatically collect product data from your suppliers

Dematerialize your calls for tender

Share your product repositories with your buyers (portal, electronic catalogue, website, online ordering platform …)

Digitalize your contractual relations with your suppliers via a dedicated portal

Supervise and secure transactions between suppliers and buyers via the EDI platform


Dematerialize your invoice flow

Collaborate more efficiently with your partners


Illustration of an EDI flow between partners

@GP solutions for you

Browse each bubble with your mouse for more information

Our commitments

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Writer, publisher

and integrator of our solutions

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100% of your data

stored in France

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7 days a week and

24 hours a day

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Interoperable and qualified

third parties and solutions

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DataPool@GP interoperable on GDSN network


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